Well Hello There

Thanks for visiting our page! If you’re new here, Gringo Inca exists for two reasons:

First, to connect with like-minded travelers and people in our destinations. We love to meet other travelers who have an adventurous side to their souls, and we especially enjoy cultural and outdoor-based travel.

Does this sound like you, too? Then follow us and we’ll share tips and experiences together!

Countries We’ve Written About

two people on mountain trail. Yellow-brown vegetation. Green mountains in background with blue sky

So Who IS Gringo Inca, Anyway?

The TLDR Version

woman underwater with sunglasses. Coined the phase Fun & Earth-friendly travel

We are Janina & Brad. Together we’ve years of experience in sustainability and cultural tourism. This includes living in off-the-beaten path areas and traveling through every region of Peru.

Our interests include adventure sports and learning more about indigenous cultures. We’re also lovers of nature. We practice sustainable travel in order to keep local economies and nature healthy.

The Long Version

Janina grew up in Lima and is from the Central jungle paradise of Oxapampa. She studied tourism to follow her passions. Brad is a community-based environmental expert who has worked with villages on renewable energy projects.

We met while working on sustainable tourism in Matucana, an awesome town with multiple waterfall hikes just outside of Lima, Peru.

We had a blast in our very cool jobs there. That’s because we could travel, meet inspiring people, and be part of incredible projects that benefited communities. But like all good things, it had to end.

Yet we found ourselves hit by the travel bug, and remembered our lessons learned in Matucana. With Gringo Inca we keep this passion for responsible travel going. We use a phrase, Fun & Earth-Friendly Travel.

Fun & Earth-Friendly Travel: Noun. The act of journeying, especially to distant places, while following 3 practices: searching for authentic & fulfilling intercultural experiences, choosing outdoor adventures that expand one’s limits, and only using responsible operators.

Fun & Earth-friendly isn’t always the easiest but is the most fulfilling way to travel.

But Wait… What’s the Other Purpose of Gringo Inca?

Yes, I did mention there are two purposes to this site. The other is to showcase my (Brad’s) travel writing. I’m an aspiring travel writer and greatly appreciate your constructive criticism. Check out my writing here.

Hope to see you on an adventure someday soon. Cheers!

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